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GEFONT Organises Decent Work Day Programme

1 Million Pamphlets distributed throughout the Country

Oct 7- On the Occasion of World Day for Decent Work, GEFONT has distributed 1 Million Pamphlets throughout the Country including 29 Centers in Capital Kathmandu. Pamphlet asked 11 Questions regarding "What do you do to make your work Decent?"

Speaking in the Programme in Kathmandu, GEFONT President Bishnu Rimal expressed that 11 Questions in Pamphlet will alert all that what should we do for Decent Work. He said "These Pamphlets were already sent to all Member of Parliament which may motivate them to work for workers welfare." He expected that   MP's  may play important role to make pro workers Labour Law Bill & Social Security Bill which are under discussion in the Parliament.


Meanwhile, GEFONT has Condemned Industrial Enterprise Act and Financial Act, which  has snatched the workers rights to do strike against injustice.  Industrial Enterprise Bill endorsed by the Parliament on 29 September 2016 enforcing the provision of "No Work, No Pay" and "Hire & Fire".So, GEFONT has started Campaign against it. GEFONT President Rimal said that "We workers are against it, so we have requested President, Bidya Devi Bhandari not to verify the bill."

During the programme, GEFONT Screened Video, which also includes 11 questions regarding what you will do to make your work decen?

GEFONT Province Committee organises Tea Reception

On the Occasion of Dashain and World Day for Decent work, GEFONT Province No. 2 Committee has organised Tea reception in Bara, Simara.

Speaking in the Programme, GEFONT & CPN UML leader, Dinesh Rai expressed that GEFONT & CPN UML will always stands for decent work, decent wage and decent workplace.

Likewise GEFONT and Affiliates leaders spoke on decent work issues as well as exchange festivals greeting to everyone.
The programme was organised under the Presidency of Manju Thapa, Coordinator of Province No. 2 Committee.

JTUCC organises Interaction on Labour Bill and Social Security Bill

JTUCC has organised an Interaction Programme with Members of Parliament, Representatives of Different Political parties & Trade Unions to discuss the Labour Bill and Social Security Bill  tabled in the Parliament.

During the programme, GEFONT Foreign Department Secretary and Advocate Cde. Ramesh Badal presented necessary amendment in Social Security Bill. Likewise, Advocate Yuvaraj Luietel highlighted about the amendment needed in Labour Bill.

Speaking in the programme, Suryaman Gurung- Minister of Labour & Employment said "Amendment issues presented by Trade Unions are positive, which will draw the attention of Members of Parliament. And decision will be taken hearing both Trade Unions and Employers perspectives. "

CPN UML Chief Whip Bhanubhakta Dhakal said "Labour agenda and amendment issues raised by JTUCC are very positive and CPN UML will discuss it with UML's  Members of Parliament ."

Likewise, Nepali Congress Representative Ananda Prasad Dhungana Said "Our Party is always in favour of Labour and Peasant." He recommended everyone to work jointly to develop the industries in Nepal so that Nepali Youth migration will be stopped.

CPN Maoist Centre Representative & Advocate Ram Narayan Bidari stressed that Act should not be made only in favour of Workers or Employers but it must cover maximum citizens and Rights guaranteed by Constitution and Law should not be cut while making the Act.

Speaking in the Programme, GEFONT President Bishnu Rimal said "If the Parliament adopt contribution based Social Security Act and Proposed Labour Act as per agreement made earlier then 90% labour problems will be solved ".  He also assured to play supportive role to make good Acts through extensive discussion.

JTUCC and NTUC President Khilanath Dahal urged to give priority to Social Security Bill & Labour Bill tabled in the Parliament. He said "These bills are proposed to regulate the labour sector which will be significant for future generation as well."

During the Discussion, ANTUF Vice President Ganesh Regmi, SAARTUC General Secretary Laxman Basnet, NTUC General Secretary Mahendra Yadav as well as various political parties representatives presented their views.

GEFONT Zonal Committees celebrates 8th March

GEFONT different Zonal Committees has celebrated 8th March throughout the Country organising rallies and gatherings.

On the occasion of 106th International Working Women Day, GEFONT Gandaki Dhaulagiri Zonal Committee has organised Health Awarness and Interaction program. The program was conducted under the presidency of National Beautician Union of Nepal , President Pampha Bhusal.

During the Program , Senior Dr.  Archana Pun  aware the participants about Uterus Cancer.   Chief Guest - GEFONT Central Committee Member, Chadra Bdr. Gurung  along with other GEFONT & ITWAN leaders speak on importance of 8 March, Women issues in new Constitution, Women Rights in Law, Exploitation & Discrimination against women etc.

Likewise, GEFONT Mechi Zonal Committee has organised Interaction program in Jhapa.  During the program, GEFONT Central Committee Member, Sukamati Dewan briefed about the history of 8 March.  GEFONT and Affiliates leading activists participated the program where  GEFONT, ITWAN, FAPUN, CUPPEC, NATU leaders shared their views.

During the program Whole Trade Union Surya Ply Unit Committee Secretary Jhapatlal Rajbansi and Mital Ply Unit Committee President Khagendra Shrestha handover 25 thousand each to  GEFONT Mechi Zonal President Santa Kumar Rai for GEFONT Solidarity Fund.

GEFONT District Level Cadres Gatherings Conclude

GEFONT district level Cadres Meetings have been concluded in Makwanpur and Chitwan. GEFONT Province No. 3 has organised both gatherings, targeting to aware members about GEFONT Campaign and local level election.

Speaking in the Gathering, GEFONT Province No. 3 Coordinator, Janak Chaudhary informed about GEFONT organisational strengthening campaign. He requested union leaders to lobby with political parties to secure worker's candidacy in local level election. He further directed to form election publicity committee and to recommend the political parties to insert workers agenda's in their manifesto.Likewise,GEFONT Province No. 3 Secretary, Ramhari Nepal and Member Arjun Aryal also addressed the Gatherings.

Meanwhile, 128 Members May Day organising committee has been formed in Makwanpur under the convenorship of GEFONT Province No. 3 Finance Secretary Arjun Dhungel. Likewise, May Day organising committee has been formed in Chitwan under the convenorship of Krishna Phuyal.