Category : Beyond the Border
The "Beyond the Border" campaign stands as a testament to our commitment to the welfare and rights of Nepali migrant workers. Our first strategic move is to steadfastly continue the ongoing work that has laid the foundation for positive change. Concurrently, the focus will be on fortifying the efforts of the GEFONT support group, ensuring its efficacy as a dedicated body advocating for the interests of migrant workers. A crucial aspect of our mission involves sustained lobbying efforts to secure essential benefits for Nepali migrant workers. Through strategic engagement with relevant stakeholders and policymakers, we aim to address the challenges faced by our migrant workforce and work towards policies that safeguard their rights and well-being. By consistently building upon these organizational achievements, the "Beyond the Border" campaign seeks to be a driving force for positive change in the lives of Nepali migrant workers, transcending geographical boundaries for a more equitable future.